
woman shaking someones hand

How to Interview and Assess Your Candidates’ Success

Consider these sections as guidelines to steer you in the direction of the right candidate, allowing you to make the final decision with assured confidence.

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The time is now

When to Recruit

Don’t just wait for your company to have an open position or for you competitor to have a downfall. In order to stay ahead of the game, it is best to always be proactively recruiting.

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Caution Ahead: Social Media & You

Reaching out on social media to friends and those we love has now become easier than ever. However, after the recent Harvard student fiasco, now is a good time to think about your personal social media accounts.

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two cartoon characters looking out on arrows

3 Ways to Plan Ahead for Future Open Positions

If you want to advance in your career, you must have the mindset of thinking ahead. Put these actions into your everyday work schedule in order to maximize every opportunity that becomes available.

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text on paper trump's tax plan

5 Ways Trump Tax Plan May Influence Executive Compensation

His proposal includes tax reforms that would reduce marginal tax rates for individuals and businesses. If the legislation passes, here are just a few features of his plan that will effect companies and their compensation programs:

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caution sign barriers ahead

6 Barriers Candidates Face in Accepting Your Offer

If you have picked your top candidate, you may be surprised to learn that they are hesitating to accept the offer. You can turn those barriers into hurdles that can be overcome.

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Skip the Regret: 3 Things to Learn Early in Your Career

There are three simple components to ensure that regret does not become part of your vocabulary when describing your career:

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man in suit with arms folded

The New Look of Executive Tenure

There has been a major demographic shift due to baby boomers retiring from the workforce. With this large sector that holds a number of executive level positions exiting the market, companies now have to sit up and pay attention to executive retention.

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Top 10 Executive Interview Questions

Every candidate has strengths and weaknesses. Each has successes and failures. Evaluating these with the right questions during the interview process is critical, because selecting the wrong candidate will cost you both time and money particularly when recruiting executive level positions.

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hands shaking over employment contract

Hiring 101: How to Extend an Offer

The search may be done, but the process isn’t. Extending an offer of employment is just as important as recruiting and interviewing!

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The Overture Group


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Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
(319) 366-3688


550 Warrenville Rd. Suite 210
Lisle, IL 60532
(630) 632-4738


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